
Desi Milk. Make a Switch Today

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100% wholesome

Desi A2 Milk

Desi A2 Milk is 100% raw, unprocessed Milk from naturally grazing, grass-fed desi cows. We source, do QC tests, and supply milk to you straight from our farmers. Desi Milk is medicinal—it works wonders for everyone, especially for patients suffering Lifestyle Diseases for years. And If you're a Pregnant/Lactating Mother or have a child at home, we strongly recommend you drink and give your kids Desi A2 Milk.

Desi Milk is now available across Bengaluru and Mysuru.
Our purpose

We Are Fair!

The Desi A2 Milk is sourced from farmers around Coorg. We aren't a traditional dairy firm that owns 1000s of cows and keeps the profits. Our whole ethos lies in making farming work for our farmers and this is a step forward in the right direction.

You'd be pleased to know that as much as 40% of our cows are forest-fed, which means our cows don't consume factory-made or even hand-made fodder. Cow, being one of the most emotionally intelligent animals, chooses (yes!) and chews on grasses and herbs in the forest side.
How do we bring it to you?

It's Safe

It's time to get your milk Wholesome, without any Micronutrients removed. We've combined ingenuity of our own findings with the standard checkpoints to safeguard the quality of the milk to ensure it reaches you in the freshest manner possible. From your end, just like how our Moms used to do it, once you get the milk, please store it in the Ice Compartment of your Fridge or boil it.

We actually follow quite a stringent process, please read all about it here.
let's save our cows


The Regular Milk contains harmful A1 proteins sourced from genetically modified cows, which are fed with processed and contaminated food. The Jersey and Holstein Friesian Cattle (they don't have a hump, cannot be called a Cow) give some 30 liters of milk, but the milk they give (A1 milk) is known to cause many Lifestyle Diseases. Have you observed, in India, before 80's, no one had even heard of Lactose Intolerance?

Desi Milk is how milk used to be and how it's meant to be.

Donate a Desi Cow

The reason we call Cow our mother is her mere existence helps us thrive. She gives us Gomaya, Milk, Curd, Ghee, Gaumutram — which are known as Pancha Gavyam and help rejuvenate one’s life.

Why Gau Daan?
1. Paap Dhenu Gau Daan: To get rid off Sins
2. Moksha Dhenu Gau Daan: For Moksha
3. Prayaschit Dhenu Gau Daan: To seek Forgiveness

A Desi Cow will be donated in your name. The ritual is done keeping in mind the sanctity of the Ancient Vedic Standards. More than anything, a farmer, the ‘Anna Data’ will be happy and you will not earn just ‘Samskara’, but also enrich lives in a meaningful way

Donate a Cow
Thoughts on all things desi milk

Why Desi Milk

available in b'luru and mysuru

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